[vf_video code=»aQCH20X-nMw» title=»City Council December 2nd 2019″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQCH20X-nMw[/vf_video]

Poplar Bluff City Council Meeting December 2nd 2019


For A Regular Meeting Of The

City Council of the City of Poplar Bluff, Missouri

To Be Held On

Monday – December 02, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.

In The City Council Chambers

301 S. 5th Street

I. Meeting Called to Order, Mayor Robert L. Smith

II. Invocation Pastor Keith Woodruff, Fellowship General Baptist Church

III. Pledge of Allegiance Commander Ralph Innes, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6477

IV. Roll Call

Parson DeGaris

Horton Cornman

Black Davis


V. Disclosure of Interest

Any member of the City Council may disclose any possible conflict of interest dealing with either any item on the printed agenda or with any matter discussed at a previous meeting.

VI. Citizens’ Input

Each person in the audience may take this opportunity to address the City Council on any matter which is not on the printed agenda.

VIII. Workshop Items for Discussion

A. The City Council will discuss a proposed Police Officers Group (IBEW – Local 702) Union Contract.

B. The City Council will discuss a recommendation to adopt the 2018 International Property Maintenance Code.

C. The City Council will discuss a recommendation to adopt the 2018 International Plumbing Code.

D. The City Council will discuss a submission of a grant application to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for funding to assist in the removal of asbestos and other hazardous materials from the former city hall, municipal court and police department building located at 101 Oak Street, Poplar Bluff, Missouri.

E. The City Council will discuss a petition of annexation of the Shelby Road ROW from the south side of Existing Highway PP ROW down to the west side of Existing Business 67 ROW (Westwood).

F. The City Council will discuss a petition of annexation of the property located at 3547 N. Westwood, owned by Fellowship General Baptist Church.

G. The City Council will discuss Change Order #2 for the 11th Street Roadway Project.

H. The City Clerk will present to the City Council, for their approval, the abstract of votes cast at the Special Municipal Election held Tuesday, November 05, 2019.

IX. Action Required Items

AA. Res. No. The City Council will take action on a resolution authorizing the Mayor to submit a grant application to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for funding to assist in the removal of asbestos and other hazardous materials from the former city hall, municipal court and police department building located at 101 Oak Street, Poplar Bluff, Missouri.

BB. The City Council of the City of Poplar Bluff will meet in a closed meeting in which they will discuss such matters which are exempted under the open meetings law Section 610.021.1, RSMo, Section 610.021.2, RSMo, Section 610.021.3, RSMo, Section 610.021.9, RSMo, Section 610.021.11, RSMo, Section 610.021.12, RSMo, Section 610.021.13, RSMo and Section 610.021.14, RSMo.

Parson DeGaris

Horton Cornman

Black Davis


X. City Manager’s Report

XI. Adjourn